
Monday, December 13, 2010

Aden Hawk Family

about 1910
Left to right:  John I, Amy C "Kate" Blankinship, Aden C Hawk
Amy P "Nellie" Hawk Lawton, Leroy C Hawk, Aliff J Hawk Carr
Missing: James Edward Hawk who died in the spring of 1899.

Averitt and Hawk Reunion 1905

Decatur Herald, Decatur, Illinois, 3 October 1905

Averitt and Hawk Reunion

“At Niantic a reunion of the Averitt and Hawk families took place Thursday at the J. M. (James M.) Hawk residence, formerly the home of Mrs. Penelope (Nellie) Hawk Averitt.
The families of A. C. (Aden Clevenger) and Armstrong (John Armstrong) Hawk, C. A. Hill, T. H. Claypool, M. E. Lockhart, Wm. Lawton, Clarence Whaley, Howard Carr, Aaron Ford, J. G. Willard, Elmore Averitt, Mrs. E. B. Chamberlain, and James Chamberlain are the representatives here at Illiopolis and Decatur. Mrs. Mark Camp, Mrs. Ella Averitt, of Harristown, A. D. Averitt of Willow Springs, Mo, is a brother. Frank Averitt and wife of Decatur, must not be forgotten. Mrs. Walter Pritchett, now in Colorado and Mrs. Arthur Pritchett are entitled to be named as well as Walter Averitt and wife of Lanesville.

The program included an experience meeting and the entire affair was in honor of Mrs. Rebecca Woods, a sister from Alexandria, Mo.

After an address of welcome from the host and hostess had been read by Mrs. Alice Gilcrest, a fine dinner was served. Owing to illness, neither Mrs. Willard nor Mrs. Chamberlain could be present. The guests were Mrs. R. J. Woods, Alexandria, Mo; Mrs. Rebecca Ford and daughters, Mrs. Minnie Garvey and Miss Gertrude Ford, also little Marjorie Garvey and Mrs. G. A. Drum and son Donald, of Illiopolis; Mrs. Nancy Hobbs, Mrs. Alice Gilcrest, Armstrong and Aden Hawk, C. A. Hall, Elmore Averitt, Wm. Lawton, Clinton Higgins and their wives, Mrs. Aliff Carr and daughter Nancy. Mrs. Minnie Whaley and children, Mrs. Mary Kitch and daughter Sophia, Mrs. Mary and Mrs. Alice Claypool, Mrs. Maria Mansfield and Russell Hall.

The old stage coach was told of by Mrs. Woods, who with her parents and brothers were among the first settlers in the township. Their old home land is now owned by N.A. Mansfield. Soft soap was told of by Mrs. Ford. The ox wagon was also discussed by Mrs. Hobbs, who gave a graphic account of how old “Buck” and “Berry” ran away one time. Other times were ably discussed and the occasion was one long to be remembered by everyone present."

1.Nellie Hawk was the widow of George William Hawk. After he died, she married Nathan G. Averitt and had a daughter, Laura Averitt who married Charles Hall.

2.Rebecca Hawk Woods was a sister to AC, James, Nellie and Armstrong Hawk and half-sister to Laura Averitt.